Saturday, February 19, 2011

PE6 Wordia

As you could see in my last post, Wordia can be embedded into any website.  Imagine the possibilities for introducing new vocabulary specific to a lesson.  Here I am looking for terms related to speech.

Here’s cliché. You can click on it and go to Wordia. Or you could embed the entire video on your website.


What you find out when looking further is the site is specially designed for educators.

Wordia for Educators Closed Sign-up

wodia educator tour
You can take a tour then create a school account. You can create lessons using vocabulary specifically related to your subject. There are many videos already created.

wordia use video of famous people and your own students to create content.

wordia cross-curricula vocabulary acquisiton environment.

Wordia offers security for schools. If you decide to have your students videotape themselves defining words, the videos are not public. And Wordia uses many famous people to define words. Here Craig Newmark of Craigslist defining Community:

Here is a Member of Parliament discussing the word Democracy after an election:

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