Friday, February 11, 2011

PE_1 iMovie ’09 Training

I am working my way through the iMovie tutorial. videos can be very good or not. I am having a hard time with this video because having gone through the Screen Flow tutorials, iMovie Tutorial "Hard to See Cursor"

I know he could have made it possible for me to see where his cursor is pointing without continuously having to rewind. Tutorial Showing How to Make Cursor Visible
I put this off because I have used the tutorials for iMovie sporadically when I have needed to learn something for past projects. I found that the site has much more friendly and fast videos to learn what you need when you need it.  Also, I am feeling it is a shame we did not receive our iLife ’11 upgrade option yet so I could have spent my time learning the new program instead.

On a positive note, I am looking forward to learning about using green screen. The information on organizing images is useful.

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