Sunday, September 11, 2011

Think Out Loud MAC Wk2

This week I needed to start thinking about whether or not I wanted to try an present or publish my CBR project to an organization. Either one seems like a challenge to prepare right now.  I just started a multiple credential program this month and am beginning two fieldwork placements in school psychology and school counseling. Friday, I was lost for an hour with no gas on dirt roads in a rural area. It is difficult adjusting to the new area, home, school and work environments since they are happening simultaneously.  I looked at the different publications accepting submissions and the possible presentation opportunities.  I am at this point unsure which would be a better choice.  I am leaning towards applying to present since it feels like there would be a longer time for final preparation.  My CBR is somewhat out of my usual field of study and since my study sample was small, n=4, I am unsure how well grounded it is. In counseling, we generally require a sample size of at least 100 for our statistical analysis. 

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