Sunday, September 11, 2011

Another Response to Pam's Kingdom of Possibilities MAC Wk2

Pamela King Wrote:

Week Two: Giving Myself an "A"

Picture by WxMom on Flickr
I have always seen the glass as half-full. Like ATT I like to "Rethink Possible" The name for my blog: Kingdom of Possibilities is because I like to believe in the possibilities. I really enjoyed reading the book The Art of Possibility by the Zanders. Below is my example of what I would write to Mr. Zander to receive my "A". Enjoy!

Dear Mr. Zander,
I got an “A” because I realized I am my own person, and I am responsible for myself. I no longer procrastinate and blame my family members for my lack of action. I put myself and my education first. I made the time to complete my tasks. I listened to my heart and went forth with my education. I let no one hold me back from achieving my dreams. As I look forward to graduation, I truly feel a sense of accomplishment, for I know that I did it! I believed in myself and found the strength to be myself. I love my family and I know they love me and are proud of me for pursuing my dreams. I know that I am an important part of their lives and that without me they would not be the wonderful, creative, hardworking people they are. For it was by example, my positive attitude, work ethic, pursuit of my dreams that they have exemplified in their lives. Thank you for believing in me and my dreams.
Pamela King

My response:

Lori Buder said...
Pam, You did a great job of exemplifying the concept of giving yourself an A as told by the Zanders. I imagine actually doing the exercise gives you an experiential memory of the concepts and helps make it more a part of your life. I am confident that you will carry the concepts into your world and share with your students.

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