Sunday, September 11, 2011

Response to Chanda's Hot Spot Blog MAC Wk2

Image from Chanda's Hot Spot Blog
I am currently trying to decide what will be more beneficial for me as an educator of whether or not I should present or publish my final project.  I am the type person who love to engage with individuals in a hands on way, because of this, my best option might be to present my final project.  The only down fall or hang ups I have with presenting is that my wonderful experience during my capstone project will not be published.  There is a lot of information I want to share with others about my experience in implementing my challenge and the results I got from it.  I know that the information can be shared in both forms of the project, but which form would be more useful and meaningful to my audience is the problem I'm facing in making a decision.  I feel that I'm leaning more to the presentation of the experience because of my learning style and personality but my final decision has not yet been met.  With a little more research and analyzing, I feel that I will make the best choice for sharing my information to my audience or the world in a timely manner.
From the book, The Art of Possibilities by Zander & Zander, I'm currently viewing the world a little different and making decisions based on the new acquired knowledge.  I feel this book was a great resource for teachers and other professionals when making their mark or place in this world count but in a positive way.  I say all of this to say, my capstone project was a great experience, my students, co-workers, parents and administration were very supportive and I would love to share this information in a way that would be beneficial for others in similar professions to help reach their goal in motivating students to read and write through the use of technology.  I am open to any comments that would be helpful in my decision making.  Like the authors in The Art of Possibilities contributing to others or this world is great.  So be a contributor and give me some positive feedback.

My Response:
Lori Buder said...
Hi Chanda,
I believe doing a presentation would have an artifact that covers your research. There would still be a record of your experience and you could inspire others with your gregarious personality. I think it would also give you an opportunity to interact with your peers in a way that print would not.
I agree that the Zander & Zander book changes your outlook. It is an inspiring piece of work.

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